The Traveling Dev: Move & Work Anywhere

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Have you ever dreamed about selling everything you owned and moving across the world to begin a new life? In this episode we’re chatting with Rachel Nabors, an American abroad on the React Core team in London. We’ll chat about the pros and cons of moving abroad as well as the logistics.



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AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services that enables developers to build full-stack serverless and cloud-based web and mobile apps using their framework or technology of choice on the front end.

Using Amplify you can quickly get up and running with things like hosting, authentication, managed GraphQL, serverless functions, APIs, machine learning, chatbots, and storage for files like images, videos, and pdfs.

Amplify is built especially in a way to enable traditionally front-end developers to be successful because they can use their existing skillset to build real-world full-stack apps that in the past would require deep knowledge around back end, dev ops, and scalable infrastructure.

The Amplify Console then allows you to use a Github repository to deploy to a globally available CDN, with CI and CD built-in.

To learn more, visit


Show Notes.

  • 01:25 - Our experiences moving

  • 06:44 - Immigrant vs. Expat vs. Digital Nomad

  • 11:04 - Pros of moving abroad

  • 35:21 - Cons of moving abroad

  • 53:57 - Logistics of moving abroad

  • 01:02:39 - Questions to ask

  • 01:07:48 - Shoutouts



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